Health Risks of Sleep Apnea (GP)

of People
with Angina or


of People
with High


of People
with Arterial


of People
who have had
a Stroke or
Heart Attack


Sleep apnea affects on physical and mental health

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is not just about snoring and daytime tiredness, symptoms vary for each patient, OSA is a multifactorial disease that could be affecting successful treatment. Sleep apnea can present with a wide range of symptoms and have a devastating effect on your patient's health and mental wellbeing. If your patient not responding well to treatment, before increasing dosages or changing medications ask about their sleep.


It increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke and diabetes, along with many other physiological symtoms.

Emotional & Mental Wellbeing

Sleep apnea sufferers report they suffer higher levels than normal in relation to irritability, forgetfulness, lack of motivation and depression.

Safety & Performance

Most sufferers of sleep apnea complain of tiredness and lethargy, which not only impacts their lifestyle, but also dramatically increasing the risk of vehicle and workplace accidents!

If you think your patient is at risk and CPAP could help alleviate symptoms, why not suggest your patient give it a go?


Potential Effects that Sleep Apnea can have on the whole body